Here are the Sukkot videos ... there were not as many as I was expecting, but that's okay. Enjoy!
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I mentioned about the shofar blowing in one of the previous post, but I do not think I mentioned about the silver trumpets. Some precious friends came for part of Sukkot and the husband brought his silver trumpets. He let everyone (who wanted to) blow them, and then he had a teaching to go along with it.
Here is Cadence's Mikvah.
Clips of us dancing. We danced to many other songs, but I only have videos for these two.
Finley requested the first song to dance (Instrumental Hava Negila) ... and I can a sure you that you can be glad we did not get the whole song on video! Hannah or Tommy found the recording that we did and it went on, and on, and on! As much as we all loved dancing ... we were all tired of it at the end :)
The second song we danced to was Neshima Nigun by Shlomo Katz.
At the swimming hole!
One night Mr. Breland wanted to make an announcement. He asked for Lydia, Andrea, Sharon, his daughter-in-law Mary, and Miss Latoya to come up. ***Note*** ... We all knew that Miss Latoya, Andrea, and Sharon were pregnant, and obviously Lydia was not :). He started out by saying, "Five of these women are the same, but one of them is different." He asked which one was different and then why ... you can hear the rest of what was said on the video ...
This is "Clinton's Signature Shout"! Every since he "met" Sharon ... he would break our normally "quiet" house with this signature shout! Okay, maybe I should clarify ... our house is not at all a quiet place, but we did not normally have people going around shouting :)
Here are several different clips of us singing ... the first three where taken while we were on trailer rides, the last one was when we were walking up from the falls. We were singing Ke'ayal which is As the Deer in Hebrew. Click HERE to see a better recording of it.
And that completes Sukkot! Shalom.