For Zion's sake will I not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest, until the righteousness thereof go forth as brightness, and the salvation thereof as a lamp that burneth.

L'ma'an Tzion lo echesheh. U'l'ma'an Yerushalayim lo eshkot. Ad yetzi ka no ga tzidkah. Lo echesheh.

למען ציון לא אחשׁה ולמען ירושׁלם לא אשׁקוט עד יצא כנגה צדקה וישׁועתה כלפיד יבער

Isaiah 62:1


Saturday, March 3, 2012

Thoughts on the Torah Portion (Tetzave) ... by ...

... the one and only T man. It is I, Thomas W, who has the pleasure of bringing this week's Torah portion: Tetzeva which means You Shall Command. This is found in Exodus 27:20 - 30:10, 1 Samuel 15:1-34 and the Brit Chadasha; Mark 4:35 - 5:43. There are the references ... I hope that you will go read it for yourself if you haven't already.

Once again I find myself here on the computer wondering what to write about :) And in all honesty I had completely forgotten that I had the Torah Portion this week until a sweet older sis said "Hey don't forget, you have the Torah this week!" So then the scramble began and here I am! To tell the truth, I have not even gone over the Haftarah or the Brit Chadasha for this week, but I have done the Torah so that's what I'm gonna focus on.

As I started to read the portion, I wondered what I could get out a portion that just talked about how the priests were supposed to have their garments and how some of the sacrifices were suppose to be done. Now please don't get me wrong, I believe that all of that is very important but I was thinking that it did not really apply to us at this point in time. On one hand it does not, yet on the other hand it does. If that makes any sense?

As I read through it, the thing that I kept noticing was how meticulous YHVH is in the way He wants His Priest to be before they can serve Him. Everything had to be a certain way or else the presence of YHVH would not descend upon the Tabernacle. And that's what got me thinking, if YHVH is so meticulous about how things/people need to be before they can serve Him, should not we ourselves be meticulous about what He wants? In other words, if we say that we serve YHVH, should we not make sure that we are serving Him the way He wants us to, instead of the way we want to?

For instance, what if Moses had said "You know what? I thing Aaron's garments would look and sound better if we made it with two bells and the two pomegranates and so on instead of doing one and then another and then another"? Not only would the presence of YHVH not descended, Moses would most likely have gotten himself killed because he had changed the word of YHVH.

So in closing, I put a challenge out to myself and you. (Yes I know that's backwards, I'm suppose to put you first, but I know that I need this challenge just as much as anyone if not more so). So here it is, I challenge us to examine our lives each day and ask the Father "Am I living my life according to the plan that YOU have laid out in your word for me? Am I serving YOU the way I should be?" He will show you/me if we are truly willing to hear His voice. I pray that we are.

Once again I hope that you will read this portion for yourself, even the Haftarah and the Brit Chadasha which unfortunately I was not able to cover, although I plan to go and read them soon :)

I would love to hear from y'all, if I've said something that you do not think is correct, please don't hesitate to let me know. And if you agree with me that's even better! Either way if you feel led, leave a comment and let me know your thoughts.

Keep pressing forward and serving Him that is more then worthy of our service.
Shabbat Shalom.
The T. man over and out 3...2...1...

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