For Zion's sake will I not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest, until the righteousness thereof go forth as brightness, and the salvation thereof as a lamp that burneth.

L'ma'an Tzion lo echesheh. U'l'ma'an Yerushalayim lo eshkot. Ad yetzi ka no ga tzidkah. Lo echesheh.

למען ציון לא אחשׁה ולמען ירושׁלם לא אשׁקוט עד יצא כנגה צדקה וישׁועתה כלפיד יבער

Isaiah 62:1


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Western Wall Tunnels and the Old City Area ... by Hannah

At last ... amidst the pressure and prep work of getting ready to go to Sukkot (the Feast of Tabernacles) tomorrow ... I decided that I must get this last post published!

These pictures were taken on our last day in Jerusalem - June 15th. That afternoon, we took the Western Wall tour ... something that we did as a family five years ago. This tunnel runs underground along the Western Wall of the Temple Mount, and (from what I understand) over the Tyropoeon Valley.

Entering the tunnel area.

This is looking down on a section that is still being excavated.

This may be the same area ... can't quite tell (or remember)!

This is a model of the Temple Mount area. The tour guide used it to explain the history and topography of the area.

This is where we entered another section of the tunnels.

Lots of arches ... I believe we were told that these were originally bridges over the valley.

This is part of the largest stone in the wall ... 45 feet wide and 13 feet tall ... weighing about 600 tons! Can you imagine how it got here?!

The crack on the left is where the stone ends on one side.

I don't think we can see the end of it on this side ... I believe it is across from where the wall on the opposite side of the passage begins.

When we went on this tour as a family, we were informed that some archaeologists found an opening in this wall that enabled them to get under the Temple Mount. When the Arabs realized that they were digging around under the Dome of the Rock, they cemented the opening. The tour guide did not share the same story this time, so I'm not certain on all the details.

Walking along the Western Wall ... underground :)

It was quite crowded with tour groups, so we had to hurry while taking pictures!

The tunnel is quite narrow, but well-lit.

Here the tour guide was explaining something ... I can't remember what!

Another bridge/arch.

See the columns in the wall?

Again, I don't remember the significance of this stone, but I do remember that we children took a picture with it on our first visit to Israel ... let me see if I can find it ...

In some areas, the "ceiling" is very high.

Nearing the end of the tour ...

This pool was not here five years ago ... or rather, it was not part of the tour :)

So much stone! We could write a song ... "here a stone, there a stone, everywhere a stone, stone!"

Tommy took a couple videos while we were in the tunnels:

In this one, he didn't realize that he was holding the camera the wrong way, so you might want to flip your computer screen to see the first part of it :)

The Western Wall Tunnels are a fascinating place to visit - I highly recommend it! The tunnels are the nearest than you can get to the site of the Temple and the Holy of Holies, without going up on the mount.

Walking through the Muslim quarter, back to the Kotel area. The man in the tan shirt in the front was one of the security guards - the other was in the back of the group.

The entrance to the Kotel, from the direction of the Muslim quarter.

We took some pictures at the Kotel, before going to find something to eat.

Cathrin and me.

Tommy with Cathrin and Yunis.

Tommy and Yunis ... they were best buddies :)

Cathrin and Yunis.

This golden menorah is waiting to be used in the future third temple.

There are so many steps in the old city! Everywhere you go, you are either walking up steps or down steps!

A view from the Jewish quarter ... the Al Aqsa Mosque on the left and the Mount of Olives in the background.

The shop where we would eat falafel in the old city. Mmm-mmm! The owner (I'm assuming? He runs the place!) informed us that he has "sheva yeladim" (seven children)! I told him (b'ivrit - in Hebrew) that my parents have seven children too :)

After finishing our falafel, Cathrin, Yunis and Tommy got ice cream! My head was hurting, so I decided to settle for an iced coffee instead :)  When I told Cathrin that, she announced that she would get ice cream and an iced coffee! I thought about doing the same, but decided to just stick with the coffee and content myself with several bites of ice cream from the others :)  It was very tasty and the next time I'm in the Jewish quarter, I intend to visit the shop!

The rest of the pictures from that day have already been posted - you can see them by clicking here.

I think that is the last of the pictures from our time in Israel. After leaving Jerusalem on Thursday (June 16th), we went to Tel Aviv and Yafo for a few days before flying back to the States. Pictures from our time there can be seen here and here and here!

I do intend to post again, sharing some random remembrances - highlights from our time in Israel. I think Tommy wants to share another post too. Until then, many blessings and Hag Sukkot Sameach!


  1. Thanks Hannah! The suspense was killing me! =)


    1. What awesome pictures. I went to those same places in the year 2000. I also have a lot of pic's. I think I will post on my FB. Shalom

  2. I loved this post! I was just in Isreal this summer! :) I only was able to stay for two weeks though. One of my favorite days was when we went to the Western Wall and in the tunnel. What a beautiful and moving place. I have been meaning to write about it on my blog but have yet to do it. I'm pretty sure that that is the same shop I went to to buy my falafel. The man working maybe it was the owner, had me make my own orange juice! :) Thanks for sharing it brings back wonderful memories and is a reminder for me to start writting! Blessings!

  3. @ Katie - thanks for sharing! When you do write about it, can you put a link to your blog here so we can see it?
    They did have fresh orange juice at that shop ... we bought some one of the days we were there :)
